Where can I find Comfort Apartments general terms and conditions of booking?
See the terms and conditions on our website.
Polish and English.
The price is per apartment
The address is shown on the map in the apartment details; also, the full address can be found in the booking confirmation.
No, an apartment cannot accommodate more people than specified in the rental agreement for the apartment.
Pet-friendly apartments are marked as such in the apartment description; if you have any questions, our staff will provide a list of pet-friendly apartments.
Information about wheelchair access can be found in the apartment description.
The minimum booking period is 2 nights, unless the booking is an extension of a preceding or following booking.
Payment can be made by bank transfer or else credit card details must be provided.
Cancellations can be made by e-mail or phone. Cancellations made more than 7 days before arrival are free of charge, otherwise the booking payment is not refunded.
All apartments have high-quality bed linen and towels.
Your booking confirmation has our employee’s phone number. Please tell us your arrival time the day before, as a staff member will be waiting for you on site with the keys to the apartment.
Comfort Apartments can arrange a transport service for guests from the designated location to the apartment for an extra fee. Please contact us by email or phone for details.
Keys can be collected between 3:00 pm and 7:00 pm and they have to be returned by 11:00 am.
At the time of booking, a fee is charged to prepare the apartment for the guests’ stay. Cleaning is taken care of by Comfort Apartments. However, we will be very pleased if the guests leave the place tidy. We’d like to ask you to collect all rubbish in one place and leave the dishwasher ready to be switched on by Comfort Apartments staff and arrange the bed linen and towels as at check-in. Thank you!
Yes, Comfort Apartments will block a deposit of PLN 500 for the duration of the guest’s stay when charging for the accommodation. On check-out, the deposit will be unlocked no later than 7 days after leaving the apartment. We always try to unlock the deposit amount as soon as possible.